Crate training 101


Crate training takes advantage of your dog's natural instincts as a den animal. A wild dog's den is their home—a place to sleep, hide from danger and raise a family. The crate becomes your dog's den, where they can find comfort and solitude while you know they’re safe and secure (and not shredding your house while you're out running errands).

The primary use for a crate is housetraining, because dogs don't like to soil their dens. The crate can limit access to the rest of the house while they learn other rules, like not to chew on furniture. Crates are also a safe way to transport your dog in the car.

Crating caution

A crate is not a magical solution to common canine behavior. If not used correctly, a dog can feel trapped and frustrated.

- Remove all collars, harnesses and tags before placing pet in its crate.

- Never use the crate as a punishment. Your dog will come to fear it and refuse to enter.

- Don't leave your dog in the crate too long. A dog who’s crated all day and night doesn't get enough exercise or human interaction and can become depressed or anxious. You may have to change your schedule, hire a pet sitter or take your dog to a daycare facility to reduce the amount of time they spend in their crate each day.

-Puppies under six months of age shouldn't stay in a crate for more than three or four hours at a time. They can't control their bladders or bowels for that long. The same goes for adult dogs being housetrained. Physically, an older dog can hold it, but they don’t know they’re supposed to.

-Crate your dog only until you can trust them not to destroy the house. After that, it should be a place they go voluntarily.

A crate may be your dog’s den, but just as you would not spend your entire life in one room of your home, your dog should not spend most of their time in their crate. 

Can you imagine your dog spending years in a cage? 

Several types of crates are available:

- Plastic (often called "flight kennels")

- Fabric on a collapsible, rigid frame

- Collapsible, metal pens

Crates come in different sizes and can be purchased at most pet supply stores or pet supply catalogs.

Rural King offers crates for sale as does Jeffers Pet Supply. They can also be located on Amazon.

 You can take advantage of a puppy’s innate instincts to keep their ‘den’ nice and clean, doing their best not to soil where they live and sleep. A crate is the one tool that can be used to dramatically speed up the time needed to train your Pawsitively Precious Puppy to toilet outside and to improve their bladder and bowel control. 

Crate training is one of the most effective methods for house training puppies. This technique not only makes house training quicker and easier but also helps to keep your dog safe and comfortable. Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to house train your puppy using the crate training method.

Step 1: Get the Right Crate

The first step to crate training a puppy is to get the right crate. Choose a crate that is big enough for your pup to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Look for a crate that is durable, easy to clean, and comes with a removable bottom tray for cleaning.

Step 2: Introducing the Crate

Introduce the crate to your puppy slowly and gently. Place the crate in a room where your Pomeranian spends most of its time. Put some treats and toys inside the crate to encourage him/her to go inside.

Step 3: Making the Crate a Safe Place

Make the crate a comfortable and safe place for your Pomeranian. Add a soft blanket or bed, and some familiar items such as toys and treats to make him/her feel comfortable. It should feel like a cozy home for your puppy.

Step 4: Using the Crate for House Training

Use the crate for house training by keeping your puppy inside the crate when you are not able to watch them. Puppies usually need to go out to potty often. A general rule of thumb is that a puppy can hold its bladder for about an hour for every month of age. For instance, if your pup is 3 months old, it should go out every 3 hours. Take them outside immediately after they wake up, after they eat, and after they play.

Step 5: Praise and Reward

Praise and reward your pup every time they potty outside. This will help reinforce the positive behavior and make the association between pottying outside and getting a treat.

Step 6: Patience Pays Off

Housetraining takes time and patience. Do not get frustrated when your pup has an accident. Just remember to take them outside immediately following the accident and continue with your routine and schedule. 

Step 7: Do Not Use Crate as Punishment

Do not use the crate as punishment. The crate should not be seen as a place of punishment or confinement. It should be a safe and comfortable place for your puppy to rest.

Step 8: Consistency is Key

Consistency is the key to successful crate training. Stick to a regular schedule for potty breaks, feeding, and crate time. This will help them learn what to expect and make the training process easier.

Step 9: Gradual Decrease in Crate Time

Gradually decrease the amount of time they spend inside the crate as they become more reliable with potty training. Eventually, your pup will be able to roam around the house without supervision.

Following these steps will help you successfully house train your four - legged family member using the crate training method. Remember to be patient, consistent, and use positive reinforcement to make the training process a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and your furry friend. It takes time, consistency and a whole lot of love and treats! Happy Housetraining! [1][2]